Specifically engineered to do one job!

Get your clinic NEW PATIENTS.

Ease to use and effective.

You're juggling a million things and you don't have the time or money to invest in marketing & different software.

All you really want is a consistent flow of new patients coming to your clinic.

Setting up successful and effective Facebook Ads can be a time consuming, technical nightmare for many clinics.

With the wrong setup, you could end up wasting your entire budget on ineffective ads that just don’t generate any results.

With ClinicPro, all of the guess-work is taken off your plate. In just a few clicks, you can create highly targeted and profitable Facebook Ads without any technical knowledge or hours of tinkering. Set it up once and reap the rewards!

How We Do It


High-Converting Facebook Adverts

With ClinicPro's all-in-one marketing software, Aesthetic Clinics can quickly and easily create high-converting Facebook ads using pre-made templates. These templates are designed to increase leads, click-through rates, and maximize ROI.



Using funnels to nurture leads is a great marketing strategy for aesthetic clinics. By providing helpful and informative content, such as educational blog posts and emails, clinics can build trust with their potential customers and establish themselves as experts in the field. With GoEXELA ClinicPro's Funnel builder, aesthetic clinics can easily create these nurturing sequences to guide leads through each stage of the buying process, ultimately leading to increased conversions and revenue.



Don't miss out on potential clients due to missed calls or an inconvenient booking process. Our online booking system offers 24/7 convenience, scheduling tools, and an easy-to-use interface that will make booking appointments a breeze for both you and your clients. Invest in our system and enjoy increased client retention, more appointments, and a streamlined process that saves your staff valuable time.

STOP PRESS: If you have a booking system already we will simply send your new patients your existing links.


We make it easy for you to grow your business

Let's hop on a call! We will help you identify the trouble areas and growth opportunities in your business. Let's strategize and get you to where you need to be.

This is a 100% free, no-pressure call! We will provide you with our best advice whether you choose to work with us or not.

How Much Does It Cost?

Introducing Your Automated Patient Acquisition System

At ClinicPro, we understand how challenging it can be to attract and retain patients. That's why we've developed a powerful and cutting-edge software that takes care of patient acquisition for you. Our automated Clinic Pro system helps you to reach, engage, and retain more patients than ever before. With our personalized approach, you'll build stronger patient relationships and improve retention rates.

Our patient acquisition system is an all-in-one marketing tool that allows you to create targeted campaigns, manage patient data, and make data-driven decisions. With features such as online booking, email & SMS follow-ups, high-converting Facebook ad templates, and a booking calendar, you'll have everything you need to get new patients and keep them coming back.

Save time and resources by ditching traditional marketing techniques and let Clinic Pro do the heavy lifting for you. Try our automated system today and watch as your patient base expands!

For £142 per month (plus VAT)

You enjoy all the following feature

  • Facebook Creative Templates

  • 3-click Facebook Ad Manager

  • Template Funnel Sales Page

  • Template Follow-up Email and SMS Campaign

  • Calendar Bookings

  • Online Payments

  • Mobile App

  • Social Post Scheduler

  • Plus much more

30-day FREE Evaluation Period

Metered SMS, Phone Calls and Emails charge separately.

BillingWhat are your billing detail
Your infoUpgrade Your Order & Save!

If you invest in Clinic Pro to help you run Facebook Ads, Capture Leads and Follow Up and you do not believe we have been correct in how we have described the product or we have not helped you as promise, we will give you a refund and cancel your subscription.

All we ask of you is that you take the opportunity to grow your practice serious and work with us to get your Facebook campaigns live.

Frequently Asked Questions (and answers)

Is this going to cost a lot of money

Clinic Pro software costs £127 plus VAT per month. This is a licence to use all the software components and any of the Facebook Ad templates we provide. You pay Facebook directly for the Ad placement. There is a very small micro charge for each email and SMS sent.

Can my staff do this

Using Clinic Pro is very straight forward. We are happy to train and support as many people as you wish. There is no reason why you cannot assign these duties to a member of staff. We provide performance reporting to enable you to keep track of expenditure.

How do I learn how to use the system

We will help you set up the systems and train you how to use it during the private Zoom sessions. We also have a comprehensive on-demand learning portal that can be accessed at any time of the day. If you need more help - no problem. You can schedule a free session with a consultant at any time.

How long will it take to get results

The initial setup for a Facebook Campaign takes only a few minutes. Facebook will quickly display your Ads to gauge interest. If the daily budget is too low, Facebook may run out of money, and the Ads will pause until the next day. Keep in mind that it may take several days for potential customers to click on the Ad, submit a form, and book an appointment. However, we typically see clicks within hours and bookings within a few days.

Is the system technical to use

The system is straightforward to use. We can set it up within a few minutes and train you or a member of your team on how to create Facebook Campaigns.

Is this very time consuming to use this system

Setting up a Facebook Campaign takes only one or two minutes. Plus, all follow-up activities to book clients into your practice diary is automated through our system. Clients receive email and SMS reminders, and we even offer the option to outsource follow-up booking scheduling calls from a call agency on your behalf. The system provides detailed reports of both Facebook and follow-up system performance that we recommend reviewing weekly. You can provide feedback for any enhancements you would like to make. Overall, using this system is not very time-consuming.

Is my competition already doing this?

Clinic Pro is a new service in the UK. However, it's highly likely that your competition may be using Facebook Ads, but in a traditional manner. By using Clinic Pro, you can achieve better results faster. As Clinic Pro's adoption grows, it's possible that other clinics in your area may start using it. At that point, we may need to restrict the number of licenses available in a given geographic area. If you get started with Clinic Pro now, you can lock out your competitors and gain an advantage.

What I am doing now is working okay

That's great to hear! If your current approach is successful, please continue it. However, if you'd like to book more clients into your diary at an economical cost, consider trying Clinic Pro. There are many alternative ways to book clients, and we suggest using them all until you're fully booked. Then you can focus on optimizing the best-performing lead source.

I have tried Facebook Ads before and not got results.

Facebook is a $100 million company because their Ad platform works. Many aesthetic clinics are achieving great results using Facebook Ads. However, getting results requires good creative skills and technical expertise, as well as a strong follow-up process to book clients. If you've tried Facebook Ads before without success, don't worry - Clinic Pro provides Ad creative templates, creates campaigns in just three clicks, and follows up with your leads for you. This way, you can get the results you need without the hassle.

I don't fully understand the benefits of the solution.

The primary benefit of using Clinic Pro is that it automatically books new clients into your practice appointment book, saving you time and hassle. The financial benefits are significant as well, with low advertising costs and high return on investment from clients who will continue to return and purchase services for years to come. If they don't fully understand these benefits, we're happy to provide more information and answer any questions they may have.

I have had a bad experience with a similar solution in the past.

We're sorry to hear about your previous bad experience with a similar solution. However, Clinic Pro is a new product for UK aesthetic clinics, and as far as we know, there hasn't been a product that works in the same way. We're 100% confident that Clinic Pro works, and we back up that claim by guaranteeing results. Additionally, we don't start charging for using the software until clients are booked into your diary. We believe in our product and are committed to ensuring our clients' success with it.

I are currently using a different solution that they are happy with.

We understand and appreciate that you are currently using a different solution that works for them. We never try to displace working solutions, and we recommend that you continue to use what works best for them. However, if they're interested in trying Clinic Pro in addition to your current solution, we believe it could help you book even more clients into their diary.

I don't have the time or resources to implement the solution.

We understand most aesthetic clinic owners are extremely busy and want to focus on treating clients. That's why we've made Clinic Pro as easy to use as possible, with a short learning curve of only a few minutes. Additionally, we offer a done-for-you option at no additional cost. If you want to book more clients into your practice appointment book, trying something new is necessary. We hope that Clinic Pro will be the best option for you to achieve this goal.

I don't believe that the solution will provide a good return on investment.

The cost of using Clinic Pro is £127 plus VAT per month, plus whatever Facebook charges for advertising costs. Typically, the cost of a new client booked into your practice appointment book is around £30-£50, and most clients will pay for an initial treatment plan that collects between £200-£300. Clinic Pro provides marketing tools to get clients returning for many years, driving the lifetime value of a client into the thousands of pounds. We understand there may be skepticism around the return on investment, but we don't ask clients to start paying for Clinic Pro until they've gotten clients booked into their diary, so there's no risk involved.

Your company does not have a strong enough reputation in the industry.

While Clinic Pro is a new solution to the UK Aesthetic Industry, the company behind launching Clinic Pro has been working in the marketing arena in the UK for 22 years. The technology used to drive Clinic Pro is widely used in both the UK and the USA with many thousands of users. Additionally, the founder of Clinic Pro has owned an Aesthetic clinic in the past, so they understand the industry and its needs intimately. We're confident that Clinic Pro will deliver results and are committed to ensuring our clients' success with it.

The solution does not integrate well with their current systems or processes.

Clinic Pro can operate as a completely standalone system, and it doesn't need to integrate into the existing practice technology stack to be successful. If you have an existing online booking system, we can take the link and use that. Clinic Pro's cutting-edge technology can trigger webhooks and API connections, and it doesn't present any barriers to connecting with any modern practice management system. We're confident that Clinic Pro can work alongside your current systems and processes without issue.

I don't believe that the solution is customizable enough to fit their specific needs.

Clinic Pro is highly customizable, and we've implemented templates to make it quick and easy to set up and use. We may not have discussed all the additional features that come with Clinic Pro because our core focus is on helping clients get new clients booked into their practice appointment book. However, if you have specific additional needs, please let us know, as it's likely that we can accommodate them. We're committed to ensuring our clients' success with Clinic Pro and are willing to work with them to customize the solution to their unique requirements.

I am concerned about the level of support and training offered

We completely understand the importance of support and training when implementing a new solution, and we're committed to providing our clients with the help they need. We offer unlimited training and support, including 1:1 training sessions. If you prefer, we can even do everything for you. Additionally, we have a comprehensive on-demand training program available. Our goal is to ensure that our clients are successful in using Clinic Pro, so there's nothing we won't do to help you achieve that.

Make sales on the go with our mobile app.

  • Get real-time notifications straight to your phone

  • Chat with your clients & leads right from the app

Never miss another opportunity again

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